Our Staff
If you have any questions, please call the Main Office at (215) 400-3810
Name | Content | Email (@philasd.org) |
Lisa Mesi | Principal | lmesi |
Barry Wilkins | Assitant Principal | bwilkins2 |
Keith Fletcher | Climate Manager | kfletcher |
Gianna Weaver | Life Skills Support | gweaver |
Melissa Ramos | 6th Grade Math | mramos |
Brent Osmun | 6th Grade Social Studies | bosmun |
Michelle Giorgi | 6th Grade ELA | mgiorgi |
Shareeff Burke | 6th Grade ELA | sburke4 |
Lou O’Brien | Autistic Support | lobrien |
Heather Chero | Autistic Support | hchero |
Corinne Zaccaria | 6th Grade Math | chall2 |
Nicole Berardinelli | 6th Grade Science | nberardinelli |
Kara Robinson | Level 1 ESOL Pull Out | kmmullarkey |
Carlyn Skipworth | Math SBTL / Algebra | cmskipworth |
Thomas Nolan | 7th Grade Math | tnolan |
Scott McKinney | 7th Grade Learning Support | smckinney |
Kerlange Jean-Baptiste | 6th grade Learning Support | kjeanbabtiste |
Stefanie Difrancesco | 7th Grade Social Studies | sdifrancesco |
Tijuanda Riddick | 7th Grade ELA | triddick |
Robert Henderson | 7th Grade ELA | rhenderson |
Kira Hudson | 7th Grade Math | kfhudson |
Siani Hunter | 7th Grade Science | shunter3 |
Matt Ozden | Level 2 ESOL Pull Out | mozden |
Kelley Collings | 8th Grade Math | kwcollings |
Elizabeth Sprinkle | 8th Grade Math | esprinkle |
Ashley Simonvil | 8th Grade Learning Support | amjones |
Nicole Dopirak | 8th Grade Social Studies | njdopirak |
Brett Cammarata | 8th Grade ELA | bcammarata |
Andrew Brennan | 8th Grade ELA | abrennan |
Dawn Brabazon | 8th Grade Science | dbrabazon |
Medina Collins | Emotional Support | mcollins3 |
Daniel Drains Jr. | Literacy and Media | ddrains |
Ben Liptock | Health / PE | bliptock |
Amy Taylor | Health / PE | ataylor6 |
Emma Wallace | Art | ewallace |
Wu Hen Han | STEM | |
Malcolm Cooper | Music | mcooper |
Nat Bartels | EL Point | nbartels |
Ericka Pollitt | SPECM | epollitt |
Jessica Connelly | ELA Lead | jconnelly |
Hilary Hamilton | ELA SBAC | hhamilton |
Daniel Koh | Math SBAC | dkoh |
Deb Bara | APC | dbara |