About Us
Our Vision
We envision the Feltonville School of Arts and Sciences as a learning community that provides a supportive environment where students feel physically and emotionally safe. We are committed to providing students with instruction that is authentic, rigorous and standards driven. The school community that we envision understands individual differences, appreciates diversity and emphasizes the importance of life-long learning.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Feltonville School of Arts and Sciences is to provide a comprehensive preparatory education through academically rigorous instruction and technology rich programs. We expect all students to maintain the highest standards of excellence and to develop their skills, so that they become confident learners empowering them to contribute to their education and community.
Our Core Beliefs
We believe it is our responsibility to emphasize the need for students to reach proficiency in reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. Furthermore, we will:
Encourage our students to immerse themselves in the Arts
Provide them with technology tools and
Offer a variety of extra-curricular activities directed toward the many areas of interest that they bring to our school.